Season Miracle Shute was born on her due date July 12, 2014, not breathing. In the final moments before being born her heart stopped for unknown reasons. She was revived after 20 minutes and transferred to Seattle Children’s Hospital when she was less than 8 hours old and would fight for 33 tragic days to stay alive. She was put on a cooling treatment for 3 days to try to keep brain damage minimal, she was placed on full life support (ECMO) when her body became so edematous from not having kidney function. Every organ and part of her body was failing from the lack of oxygen surrounding her birth.
All of our family hovered around our sweet daughter Season staying as close to the hospital and her space as possible. But when she was undergoing the many surgeries, MRI’s and large procedures we could not be in her room. We wouldn’t dare go far as her life was on the brink for all of its entirety and we had so much hope that we would get to take our miracle home. We needed this sanctuary that we are creating so badly, a healing space to wish, breathe and hope for our daughter’s safety through each procedures she endured. We had to go through the brutal process of watching our sweet baby die and our lasting miracle from all of this is to create healing space for other families where it was lacking for ours.
HomeAid “Builder Captains” Malone’s Landscape Design | Build (Kent) and TE Briggs Construction (Edmonds) will spearhead the creation of the Season of Miracles Foundation’s therapeutic healing garden at Seattle Children’s, scheduled to start late summer of 2016. Located on the hospital grounds on Sand Point Way in Seattle, the garden will incorporate therapies such as acupressure pathways and healing scents such as mint, lavender and more for children, families, visitors and staff.
“The leadership, compassion, hard work and commitment by our ‘Builder Captains’ and other subcontractor and trades volunteers is critical to support our mission–creating housing to help residents regain strength and purpose in a safe environment. Our ‘Builder Captains’ are helping us rebuild lives,” said HomeAid Executive Director Leanne Woodland.
Once the projects are completed, nonprofit social service partners own and operate the housing and provide additional programs and services ranging from counseling, job skills training, substance abuse recovery, childcare and more.
HomeAid Puget Sound, one of 17 chapters of HomeAid America across the United States, was established in late 2014 to continue and expand the work of the Care Foundation, a former non-profit organization affiliated with Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. The combined entities have built 14 family housing projects offering over 63,000 bed nights, representing more than $10 million of in-kind contributions of labor and materials from the building industry to serve the region’s homeless.
About HomeAid Puget Sound:
Established in 2014, HomeAid Puget Sound is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to building and remodeling multi-unit housing for temporarily homeless men, women and children. They are represented and supported by an alliance of local building, banking, land acquisition, mortgage and real estate industry organizations. For more information on HomeAid Puget Sound, visit www.HomeAidPugetSound.org.